applies to all publicly listed companies

Big Fat Finance

If you want to delve into the accounting ramifications of the Dodd-Frank’s clawback provision, this PricewaterhouseCoopers’ three-pager is a good place to begin. ###

The misnamed Dodd-Frank-Cougar-Mellencamp Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (it applies to all publicly listed companies) has garnered significant compliance attention recently. As it should.

However, the new law also has accounting implications – including some real doozies.

Clawback accounting deals with estimating the grant-date fair value of an equity instrument, determining the level of objectivity in performance targets, and stock modification accounting, among other enjoyable activities. I don’t know what most of that stuff means, but I do know that it requires a lot of cross-checking with the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification (ASC 718, in particular).


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